35 Different Types of Jade Plants

Jade plants are one of the most popular houseplants out there. They are species of succulent plants in the genus Crassula and Crassulaceae.

Jade plants are super easy to care for and thrive in indoor environments. They are grown throughout the world because some varieties are associated with wealth and prosperity. You will often notice Crassula Ovata cultivars adorning homes and offices. They are also popular gifts for newlyweds or business owners because some think jade plants help bring good fortune.

If you are looking for plants to enliven your room, jade plants are a good choice. The good news is that there are many types of jade plants. In this article, you will learn about these types and how to care for them.

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About Jade Plants

Jade plants are a great choice for novice gardeners because they can even grow in poor light conditions. Occasional watering, light pruning, and keeping them away from harsh sunlight can help jade plants thrive. The jade plants have lush green succulent foliage that adds beauty to any room.

Native to South Africa, these plants thrive in most environments. They are loved for their thick fleshy leaves and stems. They may also go by fun names such as the money tree, dollar plant, and lucky plant.

Prized for their ornamental value and many unique growth forms, jade plants are a special part of any succulent collection. Over 200 jade plants in the genus Crassula make for a brilliant and versatile houseplant. You can grow some jade plants as a tiny tabletop plant, a shrub, or even a small tree.

Types of Jade Plants

Crassula Ovata’ Money Plant’

This one is one of the most common jade plant varieties. It is also known as the money plant or money tree because some jade plants can have a tree-like appearance.

The money plant has classic teardrop-shaped jade green succulent leaves on a thick, fleshy stem. Sometimes these leaves can bunch up and be quite numerous, giving an appearance of a tiny bushy shrub.

The best place to grow your money plant is in a spot where it will receive bright, indirect light. Make sure to protect your plant from the harsh rays of direct sunlight.

Crassula Ovata ‘Lemon & Lime’

This type of jade plant is a beautiful and striking succulent addition to your collection. It grows as a compact and bushy shrub and features elongated oval leaves with yellow and lime green stripes. When grown in an environment with indirect sunlight, the leaves may develop light reddish coloring around the edges.

The ‘Lemon & Lime’ jade plant can reach up to 4ft tall. You may also regularly prune leggy jade plants to maintain a small bush. They are drought tolerant and need minimal care to thrive.

Crassula or ‘Campire’

This type of jade plant is also called ‘Camp Fire’ or red pagoda. It is a stunning plant with propeller-like leaves that can brighten up your room instantly.

The plant looks like a pink rosette when it’s small but turns red as it grows. The Campfire has beautiful white flowers that bloom in early summer.

Crassula Ovata or ‘Hummel’s Sunset’

This jade plant is an award-winning variety with golden-yellow and green leaves lined with red edges. These impressive colors are why this type is also known as the ‘Golden jade tree.’

As with most jade plant varieties, the ‘Hummel’s Sunset’ jade has woody stems and branches with fleshy, teardrop-shaped leaves.

The colors become more intense during wintertime when the lack of sunlight makes the leaves turn a dramatic shade of yellow.

Crassula Rupestris or ‘Baby’s Necklace’

This type of jade plant also goes by “Kebab Bush.” It’s one of the most beautiful crassula hybrids and is an excellent choice for enhancing home décor.

The ‘Baby’s Necklace’ is a unique type of jade for a few reasons. First, it grows as a vine rather than a tree or shrub. And Instead of the oval-shaped leaves we’re used to with most jade plants, the ‘Baby’s Necklace’ has triangular-shaped leaves. These leaves have a greenish-yellow or blue-yellow color, with maroon blushing around the edges. You can expect this plant to grow up to 3ft tall, with seasonal blooms of star-shaped pink flowers.

Crassula Ovata or ‘Skinny Fingers’

This type of jade plant is named after its long skinny finger-like leaves. It usually features dense foliage and looks like a small shrub.

The fleshy succulent leaves have a classic jade green color, sometimes featuring red edges. This jade plant isn’t a dwarf cultivar, but it also won’t grow very large. A healthy ‘Skinny Fingers’ jade plant grows to about 3ft tall.

The right conditions and environment can help produce tiny star-shaped white or pink flowers in the winter.

Crassula Coccinea or ‘Red Jade Plant’

This type of jade plant is also known as the ‘Red Jade.’ It stands out from other jade plants because of its deep red color.

It has triangular leaves and produces white blooms during summer.

Crassula Ovata ‘Hobbit’

Another one of the most common types of jade plants for growing as a bonsai tree is the ‘Hobbit.’ Other names for this jade plant include Hobbit Fingers, Organ Pipe jade plant, Finger Jade. It is easily confused with the ‘Gollum’ jade plant because they have similar looks and growth habits.

This jade plant has unique and attractive trumpet-shaped leaves in different forms and varieties.

You can expect this type of jade plant to reach up to 3ft at maturity, with leaves that can be up to 2-inches long. It can produce tiny star-shaped flowers, white or pinkish-white in color.

Crassula Ovata ‘Gollum’

Like the ‘Hobbit’ jade plant, this one is also very popular for growing as a bonsai tree. The main difference between the ‘Hobbit’ and the ‘Gollum’ is in the shape and color of the leaves.

The ‘Gollum’ jade plant leaves are more tubular than the ‘Hobbit .’ They also lack the red edges common with the ‘Hobbit’ jade plant.  

Crassula Ovata or ‘Botany Bay’

The Crassula ovata or’ Botany Bay’ is a jade plant variety with coin-shaped leaves. It grows as a compact, bushy shrub featuring attractive light green foliage and red tips on leaves. This red coloring may become more significant in drier conditions.

The ‘Botany Bay’ is a slow-growing jade plant that takes well to occasional pruning and is easy to form into shapes. It can reach up to 3ft tall at maturity if given the space.

Crassula Arborescens or ‘Silver Dollar Jade’

This type of jade plant also goes by ‘Chinese Jade’ and ‘Blue Buddha Bush.’ It has coin-shaped silver leaves with burgundy edges.

As a slow-growing succulent shrub, this jade plant is drought tolerant and will thrive in a location with bright, indirect light. With the right conditions, it can produce long-lasting tiny pink flowers.

Crassula exilis ssp or ‘Tiger Jade’

This is a medium-sized jade plant with green leaves with white speckles. Tiger jade thrives indoors because it does not require plenty of sunlight.

It only needs optimal drainage and occasional watering. This type of Jade plant grows in hot regions where the water source is poor. It produces pale pink flowers in early spring.

Crassula Arborescens Undulatifolia or ‘Ripple Jade’

This jade shrub is named the ‘Ripple Jade’ because of its twisted appearance and ruffled waxy leaves. These leaves have a lovely blue-green color with a hint of grey.

The ripple jade resembles a small bonsai tree as a dwarf plant type, only reaching about 3ft in height. And the woody stems and dense foliage give this plant a bushy look. 

Crassula Coccinea or ‘Red Crassula’

This jade plant is one of the few plants popular for its unique flowers. This dwarf succulent shrub also has triangular-shaped leaves supported on cone-like stems.

Unlike most other jade plants varieties blooming in the colder months, the ‘Red Crassula’ shows its beautiful deep red flowers in summers.

Crassula Ovata or ‘Dwarf Jade Plant’

This type of jade plant has teardrop-shaped leaves and light green branches. It is one of the smallest jade plants that grow to a maximum of 2.5-cm. Its leaves are bright red, giving it great ornamental value. If you’re cooking for small jade plants to decorate your home, this one is an excellent choice.

Crassula Cultrata or ‘Blush Plakkie’

The ‘Blush Plakkie’ is a unique type of jade plant from the species cultrata. It has red stems and long, skinny, pale green leaves. Sometimes, you may also see reddish-brown coloring on the edges of the leaves.

This is a dwarf jade species and reaches about 32-inches tall at maturity. It takes on a mini shrub-like appearance rather than the large tree-like appearance of other jade plants.  

Another unique trait is its flowers. The tiny clusters of yellow-green flowers grow out from the ends of stems. These flower stems can reach an impressive 1.5ft in length.

Crassula Sericea ‘Hottentotta’

The ‘Hottentotta’ is another unique and unusual type of jade plant. It features small and plump succulent leaves. These leaves are matte grey-green and covered in round papillae, giving them a fuzzy appearance.

Reaching a maximum height of around 6-inches tall, this hade plant grows as a dwarf jade shrublet. And it produces clusters of tiny white flowers on elongated stems.


Crassula Marnieriana or ‘Jade Necklace’

This jade plant has a vine-like growth habit, growing upwards and stacking leaves on an arched stem until it becomes heavy enough to spill over the side of its container.

The leaves of this succulent plant are the classic jade-green color. They have a thick and chubby triangular appearance. This is a smaller jade plant variety, which will only reach about 8-inches in height.

Crassula Tomentosa or ‘Woolly Crassula’

The ‘Wooly Crassula’ is one of the most interesting types of jade plants. Unlike the usual shrub-like jade growth habits, this jade plant is a rosette-shaped succulent.  

The leaves of this jade plant have fine white hairs, giving the plant a fuzzy or woolly appearance. These leaves are greyish-green and can grow up to 4-inches long and 1-inch wide.

In the early to mid-summer months, this type of jade plant can produce white or light yellow flowers standing on stems up to 2ft-tall.

Crassula Arborescens or ‘Blue Bird’

The type of jade plant is commonly known as the ‘Blue Bird’ money plant. It’s a slow-growing shrub-like found in nature, and its leaf coloration sets it apart from other jade varieties. It has mixtures of green, aqua, cream, and red. Its maximum height is around 50-centimeters, and you can also reduce its size via containerization.

Portulacaria Afra or ‘Pork Bush’

This is a decorative and structural succulent, making it a popular houseplant. It can grow up to 2-meters in height and requires proper trimming and shaping. It can withstand drought and heatwaves but doesn’t flower during winter like its relative species. It is not a flowering plant, so don’t expect white or pink flowers.

Portulacaria Afra Aurea or ‘Yellow Rainbow Bush’           

The Afra Aurea is also called ‘Yellow Rainbow Bush’ or ‘Yellow Elephant’s food.’ The Afra Aurea changes colors throughout its growing period. Its colors get influenced by different seasons and the amount of water it gets. 

It thrives in direct sunlight and light shade and rarely displays the white or pink flowers characteristic of Jade Plants. It can grow to a medium height of 1-meter.

Crassula Ovata or ‘Pixie’

This unique type of jade is best as a houseplant. Its foliage develops red leaves during dry conditions. It grows excellently in a container. The flowers on this plant are white or pink, appearing above its foliage. Also, this plant requires bright sunlight and thorough watering to thrive.

Crassula Ovata or ‘Ruby’

This type of jade plant has unique ruby and blush-red colored leaves. It also has small pink flowers and grows at just a meter for five years. It is best for coastal gardens and requires regular pruning to maintain its shape.

Crassula Ovata Sienna

This type of jade plant has small, white and pink flowers which appear above the foliage. The height of this jade type depends on the container size and trimming.

If you’re looking for the best houseplant, the Crassula Ovata Sienna fits the bill. You can place this on tabletops, window sills, and other places. It also makes a fine souvenir gift because it can thrive in small pots.

Crassula Ovata Undulata or ‘Wave Jade’

This type of jade plant has wavy, blue-green leaves with red edges. It thrives when placed in cooler temperatures. Like most other jade types, this wavy jade plant is tough to kill.

 Crassula ovata Undulata

This type of jade plant features bright green leaves with fine red edges. It only needs minimal maintenance and almost no pruning. You just have to remove the dead leaves from this jade plant. Other than this, this plant would best thrive in a sunny place and well-draining soil.

Crassula Perforata or ‘String of Buttons’

This type of jade plant best grows indoors. Its triangle-shaped leaves grow opposite towards each other on the stem.

Leaves have a pinkish tint when placed in the light. It also produces yellow flowers during spring.

Crassula Pubescens or ‘Bear Paw’

This type of jade is a low-growing shrub. It has green leaves that turn burgundy when placed under the sun. These leaves are thin but can extend up to 105 inches at the longest.

Bear Paw is also a slow-growing shrub used mostly as a groundcover in a garden or where it’s best suitable. Also, it has yellow flowers that emerge in early summers. 

This type requires a bright spot but needs protection from direct sunlight. 

Crassula pubescens ssp. rattrayi or ‘Red Carpet.’

This type of jade plant is also called ‘Red Carpet.’ It has green leaves in the shade but turns bright red under the sun. The white flowers are small and appear in small clusters on thin stalks during winter. 

Crassula Sarmentosa Comet or ‘Trailing Jade’

This type of jade plant has the most striking foliage. It is identified by its red stems that can trail down. When placed under the sun, the leaves change color from ink to thin red margins.

It also produces white flowers. This type of jade plant also has long stems, so be ready to prune it regularly to maintain its beauty.

Crassula Sericea or ‘Hottentotta’

This plant is a special type of dwarf jade plant. It has fully rounded velvety leaves supported on thin stems that grow in columns. It produces tiny flowers and doesn’t grow more than 15cm.

Crassula Silver Springtime

This type of jade plant has a dwarf-like appearance and has thin stems supporting a clump of silvery-green leaves. This plant thrives indoors since it is not sun-friendly.

Senecio jacobsenii or ‘Weeping Jade.’

This type of jade plant is also called Kleonia Petraea or ‘Weeping Jade.’ Its defining characteristics are its hairy flowers. It also has thick stems and flat, egg-shaped leaves.

This is the best jade plant to add to your garden. It produces bright-colored flowers that pop out on a dull landscape.

Sinocrassula yunnanensis or Chinese Jade

Chinese jade plant has half-round leaves. It produces small white flowers and dies right after flowering once.

How to Care For Jade Plants

 General Jade Plants Care

Jade Plants Light Requirements

Jade plants can tolerate moderate-to-low light conditions and thrive in most homes. When provided with light, most jade plants develop a tinge of red in their leaves.

Jade Plants Water Requirements

Jade plants require plenty of water during the growing season and less during the dormant season. However, as jade plants are susceptible to rot, the soil should dry out between waterings.

Jade Plants Soil Requirements

Jade plants can easily grow in any free-draining gritty compost or store-bought soil for succulents with small amounts of coarse sand or perlite.

Jade Plants Climate Requirements

Jade plants adapt well to the dry, warm conditions found in most homes. Outdoors, jade plants may be grown as garden plants in areas with a dry, mild climate year-round.

In a colder climate, it’s best to grow jade plants in containers and take them indoors when it gets below 50°F, as jade plants are susceptible to cold damage.

Jade Plants Fertilizer Requirements

Fertilize your jade plants once every six months with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. And always remember to water your jade plant before fertilizing. Never fertilize plants when the soil is dry, as this will damage their roots.

Propagating Jade Plants

Jade plants are the easiest to propagate through stem or leaf cuttings. Take a leaf or a stem cutting of at least 4 inches long from a healthy branch. Set the cutting aside in a warm, dry and bright area to heal the wound. Once the wound has dried up and closed, place the cutting in soil and water it until roots form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which jade plant is considered the luckiest?

All jade plants are considered lucky, but the most popular is the Crassula Ovata, better known as a money tree.

People believe Crassula Ovata brings fortune and good luck to its owners and is effective when someone gifts you one. Its shape and overall look are sometimes engraved in amulets, bracelets, and other lucky charms.

Why is my jade plant leggy?

The stems of your jade plant can be leggy when it lacks sunlight. It’s a clear sign that your jade plant is near leaf rotting. You can fix this problem by ensuring that your plant receives filtered sunlight every day for at least six hours.

Are coffee grounds beneficial for jade plants?

Coffee can increase the ornamental value of jade plants. Like the effect of antioxidants on people’s skins, coffee helps thicken the stems of jade plants, making them look full and brightly colored. Coffee grounds also prevent the leaves from dropping.

When do jade plants give off oxygen?

Jade plants absorb carbon dioxide (Co2) and give off oxygen at night. This makes the air quality in the home better. The air filtering quality of jade plants makes them a prime choice for indoor plants, especially in living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms. You can also keep them in your office if you’d like.

Why are my jade plant’s leaves dropping?

This can happen when there is not enough light. These plants will prefer bright, full sun. Sometimes they can be sensitive to it if the temperatures are very hot. If your jade plant gets full sun and abnormally high temperatures, this could be the issue.

However, the opposite can be true. If you place your jade plant in a dark area, it will show the same response. This is more than likely the issue, as this is much more common.

Why is my jade plant dropping older leaves?

Dropping older leaves can be a sign of too much heat, especially if you notice other warning sounds such as soft, leggy growth. To help your plant, move it to an area with more airflow and lower temperatures. In winter, make sure not to place your plant near a heating source because the heat might cause all the problems described above.

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